Saturday, January 6, 2007


Okay so i drank the tea last night and I didn't feel a thing until 7PM on the dot. My stomach was killing me. They really were violent cramps. I had about 3 BMs in the matter of an hour. I was sweating and i ended up vomitting some of that least that was what i thought it was, it tasted exactly like it. But that hour sucked so much for me. I felt so sick and i couldn't wait until i got back to bed.

I slept until 10:30pm...which is really weird for me because i never sleep that late. I guess all that "energy" that i had to go through with the tea...wore me out.

It is 10:55 right now and i am beginning to drink my sea salt with my quart of purified water...It taste kinda nasty but it is bearable. But ONE QUART is a lot of freaking water to drink at once!!

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